Customer Service Complaint Log

Services a business provides to its customers say a lot about the integrity and credibility of that business. This is the reason; businesses pay attention to customer services and make sure that their customers remain happy with their services. At times, the business fails to provide the best customer service and this unsettles the customers. They lodge complaints that are noted by the company in a document intended to record all the complaints. This document is commonly known as a complaint log book.

What is a logbook prepared for recording complaints?

A complaint log is a document in which the record of all the internal and external complaints is kept. Most businesses maintain this log because they value their customers.


Importance of using the complaint logbook:

Many businesses believe in creating the complaint log book because it enables them to know about the concerns of their customers and remember. So, when a business sees a reduction in its sales or sees that customers are dissatisfied, he can look back on the logbook of complaints to determine the possible reasons for the dissatisfaction. This way, a business can improve its services.

What are the benefits of using the customer service complaint logbook?

A business usually enjoys many benefits in the following ways:


The loyalty of customers increase:

When a business maintains a log for complaints, it remains in a better position to entertain the complaints and resolve them as soon as possible. when the customer sees that he is on the top priority of the company, he remains loyal to that company.

Occurrence of repeated errors is prevented:

The complaint log keeps telling the business about the complaints customers are making. A complete becomes a matter of concern when it is seen in the logbook repeatedly. A recurring complaint shows that there is a problem in the company that needs to be addressed. In this way, this logbook helps a business in warding off a particular recurring error.

Senior management also remains informed:

In a business, a problem arises when the senior management remains uninformed about the particular problem. The logbook is a type of document which is usually accessible to everyone belonging to the company. The top management also keeps tabs on it and remains informed. This way, it takes necessary actions against the people who are responsible for the complaints. Additionally, if the problem is with the mismanagement of the resources, it is also found and resolved.

Positive words of mouth are generated:

Complaints are part of the business and they can never be prevented. If the customer expects to have problems with the business but he is fine with them because he also expects them to be resolved as soon as possible. When a business keeps a record of the complaint, it keeps solving them one by one. This way, complaints are resolved in no time. Quick response to complaints and then resolving them quickly generates positive reviews from customers that ultimately help a business grow and prosper.


The capability of the organization are seen and acknowledged:

When a company manages to resolve the complaints quickly, it demonstrates its capabilities to resolve them. It shows that it has recruited talented people and it has better resources to handle the issues. However, for demonstrating all these capabilities, a business is required to use the logbook. This book also shows the date on which a particular complaint is received. So, all the complaints are resolved chronologically.


How to maintain the customer service complaint log?

You need to create the log in MS Excel sheet and then input the following details to maintain it in an efficacious way without missing out on any important detail:

  1. Name of the organization using the complaint log
  2. Enter the date on which the complaint is received
  3. Enter the complaint type and its description
  4. Enter the department from which the complaint belongs
  5. Description of how the complaint was made
  6. The date on which the complaint was resolved
  7. Contact details of the complainant
  8. Name of the person who is responsible to resolve the complaint


Customer service complaint log template


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