Daily Attendance Tracker for an Individual Employee

In schools, universities, organizations, or any workplace, students and employees must maintain proper attendance. Without this, these organizations can face problems. It is necessary to keep proper track of the attendance of everyone concerned so that the authorities can know whether any student or employee has been absent for several days.

Attendance tracking is required for this. It is a professional and effective way to properly note attendance and absenteeism. This can help the concerned people know whether someone has been absent continuously.


What is a daily attendance tracker?

This is a tracker that helps keep track of employee or student attendance as well as absenteeism daily. Attendance tracking is employed to record employee work hours, such as their productivity as well as overtime. It can be used to plan and even allocate their off time.

Daily attendance tracker for an individual employee

Daily Attendance Tracker File

What does a daily attendance tracker do?

This tracker can be used by businesses to track employee attendance so that it can be known whether some employees have been missing work for a long time. The daily tracker can be used to see how long the employee works in case they need extra pay for working extra hours. If the daily attendance tracker is used in an educational setting, it can be used to track student attendance. You can see whether they have been absent for many days in case action needs to be taken.

How does one create a daily attendance tracker?

If you want to make a daily attendance tracker that will be able to effectively track down the attendance of people, you can consider the following points:

Choose an application

You need to select the right application to create the tracker. This can be in Microsoft Excel. Here, you will be able to easily make tables and carry out calculations if you need to. You should give a heading to the document. This can be a “Daily Attendance Tracker for…” You can tell what it is like for employees of a certain department for instance. The heading will help let you know what the tracker is for by looking at it.

Create table

You will need to make a table. The headings can be “Name”, “Month”, “Week”, etc. You can have different columns for all the days of the week as well. The table can list when the employee enters and when they leave for every day. This is important so that the employer can know which employee has done any extra hours, as they will need to be paid by them.

 If you are making the tracker for students, you may not need to state the entry and exit time. You can have a column for the present percentage and the absent percentage as well. In this way, you can easily tell which employees or students have been off for many days and which ones have been present daily.

Clear and easy to read

The table should be made in such a way that it can be easily scanned and the reader can quickly know which employee or student is causing problems due to absenteeism. Do not include any extra information on it and only add what is important. When someone looks at the table, they should immediately know which employees or students are good at attendance and which ones are not.

Importance of a Daily Attendance Tracker

The daily attendance tracker will help an educational institution, work, or business organization properly and effectively keep track of attendance for everyone concerned. It is a professional way of doing this, and it can be kept in the records of the institution or organization.

It may need to be consulted at any time later on. For instance, it may have to be consulted if an employee claims that they have worked extra hours and need to be paid for this. It can be consulted if an educational institution needs to see which students deserve a good attendance award.

Sometimes issues may arise in the workplace where an employee has been absent for many days, and there is a policy that their pay will be cut due to this. If this is the case, the daily attendance tracker can be consulted.

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