Weekly Clean Up Spreadsheet

It is said, Cleanliness is next to Godliness. People who practice cleanliness seldom welcome diseases. While cleanliness is not limited to one’s body, its sphere includes maintaining the cleanliness of everything that belongs to a person which includes his office, vehicle, and most importantly one’s house.

We live in big houses today with so many facilities i.e. fridge, microwaves, dishwashers, vacuum cleaners, electric bins, hot plates, cookers, etc. These tools facilitate us but sadly, they cannot facilitate themselves when it comes to cleaning. Interestingly, even the poor vacuum cleaner that cleans the dust of half of your house cannot clean itself.


Here comes the question, who is supposed to clean them? You! Oh yeah, you are supposed to clean all these things.

Stop fainting! Cleaning all these items at one time is, of course, difficult but cleaning them at different intervals using a planner is not. The weekly clean up sheet is something that encourages you to clean your house and household things, but how? This worksheet provides you with the names of items that are usually in a house. You can divide cleaning duties among family members and note the weekly cleaning tasks in the sheet. Once you’re done with cleaning them, record it on your sheet so that you consider other things too.

A weekly clean up sheet might sound a redundant document but it is not. People who are busy especially find this worksheet very helpful. Because since they are busy they have important things to focus on. A list that records what is already done saves the time of brainstorming about whether or not it was done and also helps planning weekly cleanups.

So, here you go. Download a weekly clean up sheet and start cleaning things since they are never going to themselves at least till doomsday.


Weekly Clean Up Sheet for family members

Download your file below.

Weekly Clean-Up Sheet Template

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