Job Candidate Application Record Sheet

Getting a job is necessary. We apply to different places, and some of these call us back and tell us to come for an interview. It is necessary not to miss any or else this looks bad.

What is a Job Candidate Application Record Sheet?

A job candidate application record sheet is a sheet that records the details of places where someone has applied. It helps them remember where they need to go for an interview and when.


What to Include in a Job Candidate Application Record Sheet?

If you need to create a job candidate application record sheet you can consider the below details:

  • Microsoft Word– The job candidate application record sheet can be made in Microsoft Word. A table can be made over here.
  • Heading– The sheet needs to have a heading. For this one, it can be a “Job Candidate Application Record Sheet.”
  • Table– Create a table that can be easily filled in.
  • Job Title– Under this heading, you will state what the particular job is.
  • Company Name– This is necessary so that you know which company the job is for.
  • Contact Name or Title– In case you need to contact someone for some reason you should have this saved.
  • Phone, Fax, Email– Instead of having to search for this later on it is better to save this when applying so that you have these details when needed.
  • Mailing Address– It may be necessary to send some documents for the job application to the mailing address of the company.
  • Resume Sent and Date– Here you will mention whether you have sent the resume and when. It will let you know if you have done this or not.
  • How did you send this– You may need to remember this when you are called for an interview or if the company claims you have not sent a resume.
  • References Sent– Have a record of these known, to which company you sent which references.
  • Job Description– Sometimes if we apply to many jobs then we forget what the job was about. Therefore having a brief description of it will help you remember.
  • Application Status and Date– This will let you know if you have been contacted or rejected by the company and when.
  • Interview and Date– You need to know if you were called for an interview and when.

Advantages of the Record Sheet:

The job candidate application record sheet has the following benefits:

  • Allows one to save the different jobs they have applied to
  • Let one know when they have an interview
  • Reminds one of the jobs they have applied to

A job candidate application record sheet is an important sheet that can help one apply to many places and remember all of these. This sheet can be kept and referred to later on as well to see which companies and job posts a person has applied to. You can consider the above points if you need to make this sheet.


Job Candidate Application Record Sheet
Job Application Record Sheet Template