Staff Count Sheet

What is the staff count sheet?

A staff count sheet is used to count the number of people working in an organization. In order to save the cost, every company has set a limit on hiring the staff. In order to ensure that the total number of hired people, don’t exceed the limit, the staff count sheet is used. There are several other purposes for using the staff count sheet. Some companies also use staff count sheet to ensure that every shift has enough number of people working.

One of the main purposes of using the staff count sheet is to keep track of all the employees working in the organization. This sheet includes several details about the staff such as the name of each member of staff, the total number of hours they work, details of their part-time and full-time job, starting and ending hours of the job and a lot more.


The staff count sheet also shows the department name to which a particular member of staff belongs. In some companies, the staff count sheet also works as an attendance sheet where the information about the attendance of the staff is obtained.

Staff count sheets are used to track the employees. It consists of the names of the employee sorted into the group rendering to the departments, and headings such as date and day, shift number, part time or full time, starting time and ending time. The sheet obliges the purpose of keeping a bird’s eye over the performance and attendance of the employee in various departments.

It is comparable to the attendance sheets, we come across in college and schools which are produced to check whether the student is punctual or not.

Importance of staff count sheet:

For the business that pays their employees on the basis of the number of hours they work, the staff count sheet is a must-have. Some companies use this document to monitor the performance and punctuality of the staff members on the basis of information provided in the staff count sheet.

Moreover, this count sheet is one of the most useful tools that help a business in effective record keeping. The record keeping is essential for a business to make sure that it pays its employees on time.

Staff count sheets hold significant importance in those businesses which pay wages on an hourly basis or piece-rate wage system. It helps business to supervise an employee, according to the information printed on the list.

What does the staff count sheet include?

The main details included in the staff count sheet are:

  1. The employment details of each member of the staff
  2. The details about the employment contract
  3. Starting and ending time of the employee’s job
  4. Starting and ending time of employees overtime
  5. Details of annual and personal leave taken by the employee

The format of the sheet

Staff count sheet formats can vary from organization to organization. But the sheet is designed in the application called Microsoft Excel. The very basic format for constructing a count sheet is.

First of all, type the name of the organization and the department for which the sheet is being made. Choose the first column and name it whit the heading of Names. Choose the second column and name it accordingly, repeat the process until the headings are finalized. Print the sheet and use it to your desire. One may use it for headcount or for the wage payment.


Staff count sheet template

Download your file below.

Staff Count Sheet Template

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