Sale Probability Assessment Calculator

Sale probability assessment is what every finance manager in the company is expected to do. Although many models and strategies can help in a good probability assessment, common sense, and a human’s instinct to anticipate things should also be used.

The purpose of conducting the sale probability assessment is to forecast the expected sales of a company and the revenue a company is likely to generate. For many people, the process of assessing the probability of sales is the most important part of the sales cycle.


Conducting the assessment effectively can give many fruitful results to a sales manager. However, not being able to do so can cause some problems. The sales manager also gets experience from poor forecasting. Therefore, the assessment should be done regardless of the consequences.

Once the decision regarding conducting the sales probability assessment is made, the sales manager can think of several available tools. One of the most commonly used tools to assess sales is the sales probability assessment calculator.

What is the sale probability assessment calculator?

This assessment calculator enables the salesperson or company to predict the sales that are likely to be conducted in the reporting period of a week or a month. At every level of the business, this calculator is used for assessment. The sales managers can use this calculator to assess the probability of sales of all the departments of the company. Similarly, the sales team can focus on its department while assessing the probability of sales.

Why it is important to use the sale probability calculator?

There are many financial issues a company always wants to be aware of. This enables the company to avoid those potential issues and also mitigate them by any strategy or method. For example, if you see a significant reduction in the sales of your company, you can figure out the problem and rectify it.

The sale probability assessment can help you know if the strategy you have implemented to boost the sales is going to work or not. If your competitor has started a discounting offer that is attracting many customers, you can use the sale probability calculator to check if the same discounting offer will be helpful for you or not

This calculator can also be very helpful for a business when it comes to budgeting and setting goals. In addition to it, the sale probability calculator can also be used when you want to encourage your sales team to boost sales.

Sale probability assessment calculator template:

The calculator template is available on this website and can be used online to know about the probability of sales. You are required to tell the template about the needs and benefits of the company, details about the capability of the company, details about the competitors, etc. The calculator template will then tell you how much probability there is in terms of sales. The sales are the major area of concern for most of the people. The calculator can help them mitigate their concerns.


Sale probability assessment calculator

Format: MS Excel [.xlsx] 2007/2010