Employee Photo ID Badge Templates

Identity cards are used everywhere. They are especially used in an organization or corporation to prove that a certain individual is working for them. This provides authentication and security for an entity and assures the corporation that the ID badge holder is certainly working under them. When allotting the employees with a specific ID badge, it reduces the chances of phones entering the organization and breaching the security.

Every company has specific ID badges for their employees. For more security reasons, ID badges that have the employee’s photos on them are used so that everyone in the organization can be assured that this is the right member. A well-designed ID badge reflects the organization and leaves a good impression on the viewer.


It is necessary that the logo of the organization, photo and the name of the employee should be of a larger size as compared to other details like the employee number, designation, and the company details. The larger sized details can be viewed from a certain distance and also leave a good impact on the viewer.

Make sure that the ID badge is of a good size and is preferable that it should be printed vertically instead of horizontal. Vertical printing allows a bigger sized logo and picture as opposed to the horizontal one which gives out a haphazard and an overfilled look. Keep the colors clean and keep the background in light tones such as fawn or white. Mostly white is used but fawn gives out a distinctive look. You can always assign various colors according to the designations or departments.

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Job ID Cards

For security purposes or for any reason, identification cards are being used in almost every part of the world. ID cards are believed to be very important for every individual since they identify the individual.

Many companies make the use of ID cards compulsory for every employee. The purpose of using these ID cards by the employee is to secure them and their vicinity.

Job identity cards are used in the form of a document in the size of a credit card that has the information of the employee which is necessary to identify him uniquely such as name, DOB, designation in the company, a unique ID card number and much more.

In some companies, these ID cards also include the electronic chip or the barcode that makes you identify yourself easily no matter which part of the world you are in. No doubt, the job ID cards are very useful for the employee when he is on the job.

Benefits of job ID cards:

  1. The job ID cards are very critical in an organization. They are equally useful to the employer. It is very important for the employer to know about the staff working under him. The use of an ID card is the best way to let the employer know about the status and the details about the employee. The employer can easily know who is working on the staff.
  2. The ID cards in a company ensure that only authorized people are working for the company. With the help of job ID badges, it should be ensured that anyone who is accessing the sensitive information of the company is an authorized person. For this, the ID card of the employee is checked at the entrance so that the entry of unauthorized people can be avoided.
  3. The type of access that should be given to each employee is decided by the company only when it is able to identify the employee. For this purpose, ID cards are very useful.
  4. The time of entry and exit time is noted using ID cards.


Photo id badge

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Photo ID Badge Sample Template

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