Employee Absence Log

What is an employee absence log?

An absence log for the employee is prepared and maintained by the organizations to keep track of the absence of employees. Organizations maintain the log because the lack of employees can greatly deteriorate the company’s productivity.

What is the purpose of using the absence log?

As it has been told earlier, keeping track of the absence of the employee is inevitable for a company. For this reason, the absence log is always used. Whenever the employer wants to see which employee has not been working regularly, he can consult the absence log.


Benefits of using the log?

There are many benefits that a company may render by using this log. Some of the common benefits are:

It makes the management of the absence easier:

The management of the absence of employees is very important in every organization regardless of the size. If the management of the absence is not done, the company can face many problems such as the absence of many employees on the same day. The absence log enables the employer or other stack holders to manage the absence.

With the help of this log, the person in authority decides whether he should accept the leave application of the employee or put it off. If a few employees have already gotten permission to stay absent from work on a particular day, the company can turn down the request of other employees if they also want the leave on the same day. This all becomes possible due to the use of an employee absence log.

It enables the company to track the time:

Sometimes, the employees don’t take a full day off work. In this situation, the clock-in and the clock-out time of the employee is noted. The company ensures that multiple employees don’t get the time off at the same time. For this, the tracking of time off is ensured with the help of an employee absence log.

It helps in retrieving the employee information:

In many organizations, the deduction from the salary of the employee is done to deter the absence from work. Since the absence log keeps the record of all the employees, the employer can pull out the information of any employee. If the particular employee has already taken all the leaves from the work that he was allowed to do, the employer will not sanction the leave any further. However, if the employee still needs the leave, the employer can deduct his salary.

Employee absence log template:

If you are feeling the need to keep track of the absence of the employee, you can use the absence log. The absence log template can also be used if you want to save yourself from having to create a log for keeping track of the absence of the employee from scratch. This will save you time.


Employee Absence Log Template

Format: MS Excel (.xlsx) | File Size: 19 KB

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