Body Measurement and Weight Tracker

Many health-conscious people are often concerned about their body measurement and weight. Having a look at body measurements and weight enables a person to know if he has gained the weight.

People who are working out and following a diet plan to lose weight are much more concerned about their weight. They use the weight tracker to know if their efforts are fruitful. The result of the tracker encourages the person to lose more.


Body measurement is a strategy to track how much weight you have lost and it displays your muscle building. A weighing scale is not enough to show exactly how much and from where you lose your weight. If your body part measurements are getting smaller then you are satisfied that you’re dieting workout is really working. However, it is possible that you would only lose a little a week.

Here are the body parts to measure and how to measure:

  • Neck – Measure around the smallest circumference
  • Waist – Measure around the thinnest circumference, if you don’t have waistline straight, measure the area where the belly button lies
  • Arms – Measure around the fattest part of your arm
  • Chest–bursting part of your chest under the armpits, around your shoulder blades has to be carefully measured
  • Hips – Measure the widest area of your hips.
  • Thighs – Measure the circumference of the fattest zone part of your thigh,
  • Calves – The largest part of your carved is measured appropriately

What are the benefits of using body measurement and weight tracker?

Here are some of the key benefits one can avail by downloading the body measurement and weight tracker:

  1. It enables the user to calculate the mass of the body with the help of which body mass index can be calculated. The body mass index tells if the weight of the person is in the recommended range or not.
  2. The tracker also enables the user to make a comparison of current reading of weight and body measurements with the previous one in order to evaluate the results obtained from dieting and workout.
  3. The tracker also tells if the person has reached his goals or more weight is required to be lost. The total time required to reach the goal can also be determined easily with the help of weight and body measurement tracker

What should be included in the tracker?

  1. One of the key factors to be added in the tracker to calculate the weight more appropriately is the height of the person. The height can be measured in centimeters or feet.
  2. The weight of the person is another important detail to be considered for tracking everything related to body measurement. The weight can be measured in kilograms as well as in pounds.
  3. The body measurements of different body parts such as chest, hip, legs, feet, shoulders are also recorded
  4. The temperature of the body is also measured and recorded in the tracker. The temperature can be measured in Celsius and Fahrenheit.
  5. Body mass index (BMI) details should also be mentioned in the tracker.

Tips When Measuring:

Measure your body parts at the fixed time of the day. Like if you measured yourself on last Thursday morning, later, measure again on a Thursday morning

A free body measurement chart, from online templates, you can download and print out to keep track of your measurements. Be sure to put down the initial date of the measurement then measure biweekly, and note the date,  whatever positive or negative changes will tell them to come and note down the readings in the downloaded chart. Even if it’s too small, because of it worth. Then note down the total measurement by subtracting it from the initial the bottom.


Body measurement and weight tracker template

Download your file below.

Body Measurement & Weight Tracker Template

File Size: 35 KB

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