Phone Message Slip Templates

Phone message slip template can act as good starting points for you if you are in need to get started your business’s everything get documented such as phone messages. The use of phone message template will save your precious time and give you a document with comprehensive details of phone messages.

One of the most convenient and practical way of communication these days in a business as well as personal life of people is a telephone. Since the telephone plays a significant role in the business, it is very important to keep the record of all the details obtained from the telephone.


Phone messages are very important to be tracked regularly. The business can use these messages to communicate effectively with its clients, customers and other businessmen. In many companies, there is a special person hired for keeping track of all the phone messages and writing them down.

That person is commonly known as a receptionist. These receptionists receive the call and after a thorough investigation, transfer it to the concerned department if needed. Similarly, the receptionist is also responsible to keep the record of phone messages.

S/he writes all the messages received on letter pads, which are received by the receptionist throughout the day.

The purpose of the company to record the phone messages is to stay in touch with customers and clients. It can listen to their complaints and solve their problems more easily when it stays in touch with them.

It also enables the company to work for providing the satisfaction to its customers.  The purpose of using phone message template is to record all the messages received.

Benefits of using phone message template:

Phone message pads are one of the vital components of the office that are frequently used. The details regarding the phone message, for example, the date and time of receiving the message, name of the sender, contact details of the caller, purpose of phone calls etc. These details enable you to call back to that person for sorting out his issues. This template has been found to be very effective and affordable for a business.


Phone message slip template

Phone Message Slip template

Format: Microsoft Excel 2007-2013

File Size: 20 KB



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