Employee Wages and Holiday Record

If one were to ask, what the backbone of any organization or any business is, they would easily say that the employees are the backbone of any organization and it’s the employees that through their efforts and their hard work contribute to the success and profitability of the organization. Without making the employees comfortable and happy, no organization has ever been successful and has always been on the brink of being shut down.

There are many ways in which an organization can make the employees happy and the essential are by providing them with the right wages and giving them the standard amount of holidays. And to keep a track of all these things, an organization keeps a record of all the wages and the holidays given to an employee.


This is because it needs to maintain its own level and its own standard. This record is known as the Employee wages and holiday record and it is maintained on a monthly basis.

Employee wages and holiday record sheet tracks the wages and salaries of the workers along with the attendance of each worker. Wages can be defined as the total amount of money paid to a worker for his work after a periodic interval as described per contract.

Employers around the world compile and run their own wages and holiday record sheet according to the company’s structure and employment ordinance, as these two factors vary from one company to another.

Structure of the sheet

The structure of the sheet is not that complex and user-friendly. Once compiled, the sheet can be easily accessed and used by a single worker.

The main columns of the structure are:

  • Name of company
  • Name of each employee along with employment identification number.
  • Designation of an employee.
  • Biodata of the worker (contact number and address).
  • Total Number of hours worked.
  • Overtime if any
  • Annual leaves, sick leaves, emergency leaves, maternity leaves ( for women employee).
  • Calculation of total wages.

Benefits of using the sheet

In today’s technological era, where human resource is an important asset of any successful organization, the companies are using employee wages and holiday record sheet for the following reasons:

  • The sheet protects the rights of employers and the employees by keeping a traceable record of holidays and total wages of each worker and reduces the chances of any dispute.
  • The sheet helps the finance department in the calculation of exact wages to be paid to an individual after deducting the leaves and add wages of overtime if any. The sheet helps in calculation of annual leave pay, sickness allowances, maternity leave pay, paternity leave pay, and others.
  • The tool helps the organization to formulate and readjust salaries and human resource policies for a longer period of time.
  • The tool saves time and fuss, and the sheet can be updated and maintained by a single individual as well, so reducing the workforce.
  • The sheet can be shared and discussed with the employee, thus it builds a relationship of trust.

The employer should keep the employee wages and holiday record sheet in custody and shall not be shared with other workers or other outside parties.

Wages & vacation tracker

This Employee wages and holiday record consists of various sections and various rows and columns that include the monthly wage that an employee has received along with any extra wage (bonus) that the employee has received, how many holidays is the employee entitled to and how many has he or she consumed in the month. Because organizations are extremely busy and they don’t have the time to make a record from scratch, they make use of a template which aids them on a monthly basis. One of a sample template is given here for your assistance. Hope you will like using it. Cheers!



employee wages and holiday record worksheet

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