Mileage Log with Reimbursement Form

Businesses and offices which require frequent travels for their operations ask their employees to keep a record of the total number and purpose of mileage traveled.

A mileage log keeps a record of the number of miles traveled by a vehicle over a certain period of time. Mileage can be defined as the total number of kilometers traveled by a vehicle on a certain volume of fuel.


Reimbursement forms are used to make a claim for each penny paid by an employee on an official trip. The form gives a detail of employee along with costs and description of each expense incurred. The form is filled and submitted to the finance department, which then pays the total amount spent to the worker.

Structure of a mileage log:

A mileage log book is easily available at an office supply store. In this technological era, mileage log templates can be downloaded and used which are users friendly too . A typical mileage log includes:

  • Beginning date.
  • Date of travel.
  • Odometer reading (beginning and ending).
  • Miles traveled.
  • Purpose and description of travel.
  • Destination traveled.
  • Total miles traveled by the vehicle.

The mileage log shall be updated and maintained on regular basis, for accurate calculations. If employees do not keep a proper record, the business won’t be able to keep a proper track of its expenses. So, it requires on time and accurate entries by the staff.

 A mileage log is used to:

  • Track the number of miles traveled by a vehicle.
  • The log is used for the collection of reimbursement from an employer.
  • Mileage log is also used to note down other deductible miles such as medical appointments or social meet ups.
  • The log can also help in fuel calculations consumed in a certain period.
  • The mileage log also tells the purpose of travel so that nothing can be missed out by the finance department when calculating the reimbursement.

How to maintain a mileage log:

The best way to keep a vehicle mileage log is to keep a book in the car and note each and every mile traveled, along with all the essentials reimbursement documents like fuel vouchers, toll taxes receipts, parking charges and others.

If your business makes a lot of official trips then we would prefer to use a mileage log template which is less tedious.

Vehicle mileage record book & reimbursement

When an employee uses the vehicle for inventory, supply purchase or distribution he might take it as a deduction percentage in automobile expenses…it is essential to record the mileage. It is always beneficial to record the starting and ending mileage, the destination and the purpose of the travel. It could be written on a piece of paper or in your diary.

There are two methods to reimburse the use of your car: mileage reimbursement or vehicle expenses. You can opt for one method. The rules for your own vehicle expenses deduction are quite clear but in the case of the mileage reimbursement, covers the area of the use of gas and the condition of the vehicle, based on the number of business miles driven, the organization will reimburse you. The mileage reimbursement rate involves IRS figures which are readjusted timely.

If you are the employee and need a mileage reimbursement you can download the free template for the reimbursement form to methodically jot down your mileage with a fully customizable option. Download this form, fill in your mileage account and print it for official submission conveniently.

A consolidated mileage log records the total mileage via adding the substantial mileage you cover in every journey. If, you work in an office the number of miles between your houses, to the office and back again are your commuting miles are counted. It is recommended to write the mileage in separate categories, for example, your business mileage, mileage for excursion etc.

mileage log with reimbursement log template

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Mileage Log with Reimbursement Form Template

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